Monthly Archives: September 2017

Feng Shui The Three Main Areas In Your House

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 12, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

Basic Feng Shui Principles For Your House

Our house is our sanctuary. It’s a place that is often considered as our Haven. A place where we feel safe, secure or protected.

However, because of our busy lifestyle, our house is often times neglected. Too much shopping and overtime work lead us to have a very disorganized house.

In feng shui, clutter clearing is very important. Clutter is stagnant and it slowly drains our energy. It also blocks the good energy in all areas of our life.

A clutter free house brings in good energy. When our house is clean and organized, we have the energy to face the day. We can think things clearly, control our temper and give our family fresh air to breathe.

Here are the areas in our house that we should keep clutter free:

Our door represents us. It is considered as the gateway of chi or good energy in our life. Keep your door and entry way free from clutter. Avoid putting things that are not related to the door and entry way.

Make it clean and presentable at all times.

Our bedroom is our personal space in our house. Remove items that will keep you from having a good sleep such as television and other gadgets. Make sure that work-related things are not in the bedroom. The space under the bed should also be free from clutter.

Get rid of the things that are connected with your past relationships.

The kitchen is related to our health. It is the part of our house where we cook the food that will nourish the whole family.

Start with the cleaning of the refrigerator. Get rid of all the leftovers or better yet, avoid cooking a lot of food to prevent from having leftovers.

Refrain from buying and using chemicals for cleaning the kitchen. Use organic or chemical free products if possible.

When our house is clean and clutter free, we are taking good care of our family. We are keeping our whole family away from physical, emotional and mental stress.

If you want to know more about feng shui, visit my website at

Happiness And Feng Shui

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 11, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

Be Truly Happy Through Feng Shui

What is happiness? Most people think that happiness is an elusive state. Philosophers, theologians and a whole bunch of people have all been trying to define the real meaning of that word.

Happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life. It comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. It means a good life or a flourishing life.

Finding happiness is easier than what we think. Feng shui is a wonderful yet simple way to bring happiness into your life by bringing in good energy into your space.

Here are the things you should do to bring in happiness into your life:

Get rid of clutter in your space. Clutter is a stagnant energy. When you are surrounded by stagnant energy, it will also stagnate your life.

Do some space cleansing. Remove all the bad energies in your space by doing space cleansing or house blessing.

Surround yourself with natural light and live plants. The outside world is full of pollution and stress. Make your home a well-ventilated space.

Give your bedroom a makeover. Get rid of television and other electronic devices that will keep you from having a good sleep.

Play relaxing music like the sound of a flute, water or chirping birds. You can also put wind chimes in your space and listen to its sound while the wind gently blows on your skin.

When everything around us is in order, we are at peace. When we are calm, we tend to think things clearly. We often come up with the right decisions which make our lives better and happier.

To learn more about feng shui and what can it do in your life, check my website at

What is Vibration? Vibrations & Feng Shui

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 10, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

At 1.14 towards the end of this discussion Clif High eloquently explains the formation of vibration-the very essence of what affects you throughout your life not only your own vibration but around others’ too.  It is the vibration you find in all the environments you have ever visited as we are all made up of a geometry that is influenced by patterns created from within – DNA and patterns without; environments.

How he describes the two fluctuations remind me of yin and yang and that is why our life is a life of Duality.  The mind lives within this duality and that is why we are constantly – within the geometry of life – hovering between extremes of good and bad; up and down, and in the FengShui system from yin and yang is the basis of the 5 elements where energies are splintering off which affect every aspect of our lives.

Then he goes on to talk about the frequency in which we are all coming from – if you are emanating a certain frequency you are not likely to connect with slower energies.  This is relevant to what lies around you-if the frequency is slow due to clutter, negative space patterns, poor signals in your home and work place then that will determine or influence your own energy.  That is why ensuring wha tis around you is how you want to feel, be and directs you in your own life.

Want to know more about this?  Want to change your environment your home then make sure the Door of your Life has positive Vibes!

So I think this sums up what Clif is talking about; make sure your entrance, your Doorways are all about ensuring the frequency is Right.  Go to to find out more.

Bring In Good Feng Shui In Your Home Through Pets

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 9, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

The Good And Bad Feng Shui Of Pets

Do you keep a pet in your home? What kind of pet do you have?

Every space has its own energy. Our house, offices and even cars have good or bad energy.  These energies affect our mood, relationship, and even finances.

Most of us are living with pets. Most of the time, they are considered part of the family. They serve as our companion and friend.

In feng shui, pets are known to generate good chi. Because of their constant movements, they tend to spread that good energy wherever they go.

However, pets also absorb the negative energies that we spread or leave in a place. This will cause them loneliness. When pets are lonely, they refuse to go around your home or lessen the flow of good chi which brings bad feng shui.

Here are tips on good feng shui for pets:

Nourish your pet every day so they will have the energy to move around. This will create a continuous flow of good energy.

Do not lock your pets in a cage. This will lessen their movement.

Give your pets a place of its own. Sleeping with pets can affect your personal relationships.

Always clean your space. Get rid of their waste and make sure that your place is odorless.

Don’t let pets overwhelm your life. Avoid displaying too many photos of your pets.

Be mindful of the feng shui elements of your pets. Cats belong to the wood element and dogs belong to the earth element.

To know more about feng shui and how it can help you with your space, visit my website at

Feng Shui Basics For The Family

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 8, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments
Feng Shui For A Peaceful And Happy Home

What kind of family do you have? How often do you spend happy time with them? Do you always look forward on seeing them?
Television, movies and even in ads, images of happy families are always present. We all have have the knowledge on how it looks like. 
It is often said that the main goal of feng shui is to promote harmony around you and a healthy well-being.
Using feng shui in the family is essential to help you create a happy and healthy home.
Below are basic feng shui tips on how to create a happy and healthy home:
1. Take care of your home. Make it clean and clutter free all the time. A messy home drains away everybody’s energy.
2. Let everybody reminisce the happy memories by putting fun family pictures in your living room and kitchen.
3. Be careful of the things that you use. Try to use natural and organic things to protect your family’s health. 
Taking care of our home means taking care of our family. After all, a healthy family is a happy family.
Learn tips on how to improve your health and your home. Check my website at

Feng Shui – Clutter In Your Life

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 7, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

The Effects Of Materialism And Feng Shui

Are you surrounded by material things? Are you happy?

Studies show that Americans today have twice as many cars, and eat twice as much per person but are less happy than the people 55 years ago.

We live in a consumer culture and value material possessions. We tend to spend more time on material things rather than good relationships.

Clutter affects us emotionally, mentally and physically. It takes away our energy. It leaves us with unproductivity, affects our health and even our relationship. It can also be the cause of stress and depression. It makes us difficult to relax, creates feelings of guilt and sends us signal that our work is not done.

In feng shui, life is energy. Our inner peace is connected with our surroundings. When our surrounding is organized, we feel at ease. We can think things clearly, we feel lighter and happier. Our health and our personal relationship also improve.

Clutter clearing doesn’t only mean physical. It also includes mental and emotional. It means clearing our personal space or deep within us that we may be able to function in society properly.

If you are suffering from physical, emotional or mental clutter, feel free to join me on my webinar here:

 Get free tips and have your questions answered. You can also check my website at

The Broken Clock In Feng Shui

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 6, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

The Relationship Of Feng Shui and Time

Do you own a clock? Is it moving?

Tick tock, tick tock. Clocks are supposed to give us the exact time. It serves as a reminder that each passing time is forever gone.

Most of us have one, two or more clocks. The problem is most homes keeps a broken clock. Some clocks have been there for years and people don’t even mind.

In feng shui, clocks play an important role in our life.It can either give you good or bad energy.

Feng shui believes that anything that is broken should be fixed and if you can’t fix them, try to get rid of them.

A broken clock is considered bad feng shui. It is a form of clutter. When you fix the clock, you improve good feng shui in your space.

If you don’t feel like fixing it then let it go and move on.. Get yourself something new and make way for new things in your life.

It also represents dead time. It means the time lost in your work or personal life.

A broken clock means stuckness. It means that there’s some part of your life that is not moving well.
Repairing the clock will make you feel that everything is moving.

The clock is just one of the most important things that we have in our house and in our life. Use it to your advantage and use it as a good feng shui.

To learn more about feng shui and the different uses in our your life, visit my website at

Feng Shui & Veritaseum Update

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 3, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

You may think what has Feng Shui got to do with the current innovations curdling up from the centres of mathematical engineering and architecture in the world of Finance.

Big words for me because what would I know?  I am a Feng Shui Consultant and what has that got to do with the coming tide of crypto currency changes and software tokens where exchanges for services, investments and assets can totally bypass all those middlemen who take the bulk of any profits?  Well I will tell you.

Feng Shui is from an ancient text called the Book of Changes; and that is exactly what we are about to witness.  I can hear the march of change, much needed in the way the manipulation of energy money flows in and throughout the world.  Yes the flow is moving towards an ever deminishing circle of just the few not because they have more Fiat currency but because they hold a monopoly and a stranglehold over businesses and their networks to flourish organically.

The Breakdown of the meaning of the word VERITASEUM means Truth in Motion.  This also relates to the I Ching; the group of hexagrams that demonstrates that no matter where one is in life transformation is a certain-movement that we apparently feel we are part of is unfolding a different situation, a different set of circumstances.   Some of the 6 hexagram lines move changing the whole energy behind the Hexagrams-this is the story of our Lives.

The guy above, Reggie Middleton, he has an idea, and that Idea is Big for Change!  His technology is not about a cryptocurrency, it’s not about buying assets or commodities but from what I understand its an invitation to do business on a platform where there is no middleman.  In order to do that business on that platform you have to buy a key so you can use and access what is available.  Bottom line it pushes the go betweeners out of the deals and allows those in the deal to do the Deal.

So, the analogy to FengShui is that when you change your environment things shift inside and outside of you-you get new ideas, you get to speak to new people with different kinds of imagination.

Likewise here, I see the tide of change coming along and Reggie Middleton is going to be introducing just some of those changes – its already a digital world but now we are entering a zone whereby our transactions, our powers to consume with be dealt with through a completely different architecture.

That is why FengShui is so much more than we really realise.  When changes come those who cant assimilate them are often left powerless – am not saying meet and greet the technological age and forget about nature as Nature is integral to Feng Shui too.  But what it does tell me is when Nature meets Techchnology what matters most to you as an individual is BALANCE.

So, ensure your own Balance that lies within and without and one way to access that is understanding how Feng Shui works;

Your Health And Feng Shui

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 2, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

Have Good Health For Feng Shui

We often hear people say “health is wealth.” That money is nothing if good health is missing.

Feng shui talk about creating a well-balanced life. It deals with harmony around us, inside of us and the connection of our surroundings to our health.

When applying feng shui to our health, we should do the basic things first.

Here are a few but important basic feng shui tips for your health and home:

Welcome sunlight into your space. Molds and mildews can grow in our space. It triggers allergies. When we bring in the natural source of sunlight into our space, we minimize the growth of these fungi, keeping our family healthy and safe.

Make way for a well-ventilated space. Most houses these days are using a centralized air conditioner.
From morning until evening, we let our family inhale stale air. By opening our windows and putting live plants inside our spaces, we are letting fresh air into our place. We give our family healthy air to breathe.

A clean and neat space is essential to our health. Clutter is the hiding place of dust and dust is a good company of germs. Clutter also makes us grumpy and lazy, thereby affecting our way of life. Get rid of unnecessary things in your house. Let go of anything that’s been dragging you in your life.

To know more about feng shui, check my website at

” Feng Shui “at Chateau de Cazine

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden September 1, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

No matter how big or small the building the same principles in Feng Shui are the same; BALANCE!

This property has a great balance of all the 5 elements that makes you feel at peace when you arrive.  Behind the building is an amazing Aboreteum with a variety of trees all supporting the backside of the building.  The elements of earth and wood keep the Castle supported and growing.

In front of the property there is an amazing huge lake – water element always synonymous with wealth.  People enjoy the water by sailing and fishing in this amazing area.

Although this Castle is only 40 minutes away from Limoges it commands a huge presence over acres of land that allows you to roam free amongst some amazing medievil buildings.  It is here you can become aware of the presence of centuries of history and who once lived there.  This is all a necessity to understanding your own feng shui because ask yourself who lived in your space where you live now.  How does this affect you?

It is not enough to put a lick of paint on an old building and give it a little clean.  Buildings like these have to be space cleared – a building as big as this could take some weeks to do that so that it feels lighter and is thoroughly cleansed.

In ensuring that the negative patterns are swept away and dealt with you have to physically not only clean the building but cleanse it in the old fashioned way that most cultures have been performing for centuries; using smudging, incense, mirrors, crystals, salt, vinegar, lemon and so much more.

Want to know how to do this where you live?  If you go to you will see the tools you require to get started and the videos on how to actually use those very tools so you can get started right away and start to feel as light as a feather, and let go like a balloon.

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