Clutter Clearing – is it for You?

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden August 18, 2014 IN educational, Podcast | No Comments

Clutter Clearing is how my guest began her Feng Shui journey some months ago.

Is your business stalling? Do you find yourself procrastinating for no particular reason?

Has your life stagnated? Why do you have headaches, pains all of a sudden?

We have been looking at the process of clutter clearing and my guest today  has provided some amazing insights on how she got started and what she has discovered in this process and has achieved.

Funnily enough what we discovered that it was not just about how you physically felt; lighter, less burdened, more dynamic, less weighed down and greater clarity but it had an effect in other areas of her life too.

Business wise she reported how much more clarity she gained; communication was far more simple;  letting go of old stuff and memories that had not supported her particularly provided space for a better life.

An interesting point was the concept of gratitude.  Even though you may have to let go of things and stuff that is dear to your heart showing gratittude for the very fact you owned it, used it, and benefited from such items is an attiude oof appreciation.

When you have that kind of attitude it does not flag up loss at all but gratitude and that there is more of those great experiences on the way. Many people brought through two world wars and many other difficult times built up an attitude of scarcity – there was not enough and therefore you have to hoard or gather lots lots more.

This attitude gives off a feeling of not enough, that there will never be enough and exudes scarcity.

It is an understandable approach to a world that has created that inner architecture in people; you know the more you want something sometimes because you are not relaxed it creates a strain almost a constipation that blocks the energy to allow that very thing to happen.

When you are relaxed; allowing things into an available space with non-scarcity values there is a greater flowing.  So, returning to the clutter clearing; when you let go with ease, gratitude and appreciation it creates a space for something new to come into the next phase of your life.

So, is Clutter Clearing for YOU? Listen to this guest’s realisations and you will realise it is for EVERYONE!

It isnt just about what you can see around you that is construed as clutter; but clutter, in the computer, pockets, cars, diary, fridge, cupboards, the mind, social circle…… is endless but ultimately if there is no space to enjoy life and create peace and harmony then all you are left with is the habitual patterns of what we call clutter and chaos.

If you want to discover more on how to get started on this journey take a look at my free webinar:   



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