The Three Types Of Doshas

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden December 4, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

Get To Know Your Type Of Dosha

Knowing your type of Dosha before using Ayurvedic medicine is important. In Ayurveda, there are three body types or the three doshas.

Doshas are biological energies that can be found in the mind and body.  They are in charge of performing the different physical and mental processes in our body

These are the three types of Doshas:

1. Vata Dosha comes from the elements of Space and Air. It governs all of the movement of our body and mind. It controls blood circulation, our breathing, blinking, and heartbeat. It’s considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles. Keeping it in good balance is really important.

2. Pitta Dosha derives from the elements of Fire and Water. It is the energy of digestion and metabolism in our body. It controls our digestion and how we metabolize our sensory perceptions. A Pitta person will display mental and physical characteristics that can be noticed in both balanced and imbalanced state. The balance will result in contentment and intelligence while imbalance can lead to ulcer and anger.

3. Kapha Dosha is from the elements of Earth and Water. It controls all the lubrication and structure of the mind and body. It controls our growth, lubrication of the joints and lungs, and growth. It supports the formation of all the tissues which are the nutritive fluids, fat, muscles, blood, marrow and the reproductive tissues. It is called the important cement, glue, and lubrication for our body.
Balance in the body would mean love and forgiveness, while an imbalance can lead. to envy and insecurity.

The Vata Diet

The Vata Diet includes sufficient amount of oily, warm soft foods, warm drinks, a little bit more of sweet, sour and salty foods. Quinoa, rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread, and pasta can be eaten. Eating vegetables such as carrots, asparagus, cucumbers, okra, parsley. beets, zucchini, fennel, squash and sweet potatoes are recommended. Spices should be consumed in moderation. Sweet fruits such as banana, sweet pineapple, melons, plums, cherries, figs, avocado, kiwi, peach, mango, papaya, apple, and pears are some of the sweet fruits that you can eat. For sweetening your food, use natural sweeteners like honey and cane sugar. Dairy products are okay. Chicken, beef, duck, eggs, buffalo, pork, turkey and shrimp can be eaten as well.

Avoid consuming cold foods and drink, as well as bitter foods. Minimize consumption of green leafy vegetables, artichokes, dried peas, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onion, radish, raw vegetables, and salad. Unripe and sour fruits should also be avoided. Soy milk and powdered milk, peanuts, and processed sugar should be avoided. For the meat lover, eating rabbit, white turkey and lamb are discouraged.

The Pitta Diet:

The Pitta Diet consists of taking cool to lukewarm drinks and freshly cooked food. Beans are okay except fermented soybean. Vegetables like zucchini, bok choy, kale, asparagus, peas, spinach, cabbage, sweet corn, alfalfa, brussel sprouts, mushrooms and all green leafy vegetables except mustard greens are highly recommended. Eat a good amount of sweet grapes, coconut, plums, sweet apples, raisins, dates, avocado, figs and sweet mangoes. For the oils, ghee is best recommended but cheaper oils like olive and coconut oil will do. For the spices, cumin, turmeric, saffron, cardamom, parsley, mint, and cilantro are advised.

The foods that are to be avoided are sour, salty, acidic, alcoholic, hot and spicy foods. Buckwheat, rye, millets, corn and brown rice should be taken minimally. Avoid also taking peanuts, walnuts, and cashews. For vegetables, limit your intake of radish, ginger, onions, peppers, and tomatoes. Sour fruits, yogurt, sour cream and salted cheese should be avoided. If you’re a sweet lover, avoid using brown sugar and molasses. The meats that you shouldn’t eat are beef, lamb, pork, egg yolks, and seafood.

The Kapha Diet:

The Kapha Diet includes eating barley, corn, buckwheat, oat bran and whole grain bread. You can eat all green leafy vegetables, broccoli, artichoke, carrot, peas, cauliflower, bell pepper, green beans, sprouts, and corn. Fruits such as figs, pomegranate, papaya, apple, pears, cranberries, apples, and cranberries are allowed. You can drink skim milk, herbal tea, ginger or cinnamon tea. For the meat lover, eat chicken, turkey and egg whites.

Consumption of sour fruits such as orange, banana, avocado, melon, and pineapple should be lessened. Reduce your consumption of nuts, cold and oily foods. Minimize also taking sweet, sour and salty food. Vegetables to be eaten minimally are tomatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers. Avoid greasy food such as deep-fried foods. Try not to eat avocado and sweet fruits such as mango and banana. Sourdough bread and pasta, wheat and rice should be avoided.

Good health starts from within. Our body should be treated with care and respect. Knowing the three types of dosha and what type of dosha you belong to will guide you on what to do to obtain good health.

To learn more about natural healing using Ayurveda and Feng Shui, visit my website at


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