Monthly Archives: October 2017

The Happiest Country On Earth

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden October 3, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

The Feng Shui Way To Happiness

The word happiness. Everybody wants it, but only a few people have it.

Happiness is more than a positive mood. It is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life. It’s living with a sense of meaning and deep satisfaction.

Good feng shui teaches us how to balance the energies within and around us. It helps you live a balanced life. It means making room symbolically and physically for happiness.

7 Steps To Healthier Living

In feng shui, the home plays a big part in your happiness. When everything around you is in harmony, you live a peaceful life. When you have a peaceful life, you live in contentment and you become truly happy.

Below are the essential feng shui tips you need to have in your home to be happy.

1. Take a look at your space. Are there things that block your path? Get rid of it. Open your place and open your life to new things.

2. Your home must be your haven, your refuge from all the chaos of the outside world. It should be a place where you can relax completely.

3. Organize your place. Feng shui is also about moving your things from one place to another. Organizing your things is one way of letting go of bad energy and making a pathway for Chi or good energy to enter your space.

Opportunities Knock On Door With Good Vibes

4. Are you excited to go home to your space? Even the closets and attics should be cleaned. Oftentimes we forget to include these spaces during clean up. They can be a refuge for bad energy which can affect us emotionally.

5. Be sure to know your place in your house. Your bedroom and couch must be in a command position. It must be a place where you can easily see the doorway without being directly in line with it.

Most of us think that having all the money and material things can cause happiness. But the truth is when we are truly contented and in peace with our own self and with the things and people around us, we can be truly happy.

To know more about feng shui and how it can make your life better, visit my website at

Overcoming Debt & How Feng Shui Can Assist

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden October 2, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments
Getting Out Of Debt With Feng Shui

Nobody wants to live in debt. It causes stress, destroys relationships and leads to depression.

In the U.S., credit card debt reached an all-time high. Most households are living with debt and can’t even barely pay the minimum fee. Even students they are already burdened with debt even before graduating from College.

In feng shui, wealth is an energy. It teaches us that by aligning your surroundings, you get to attract wealth. With hard work and by putting everything in order, wealth slowly comes in.

Feng Shui And The Power Of Sound Vibrations

Here’s how feng shui can help you overcome debt.

1. Allways clean your clutter. Clutter leads us to depression which in turn leads us to overspend.

2. Hang crystals in the doorways, windows or passageways. They are the most popular feng shui cures.

3. Fix your roof, faucet or anything broken in your home. Water represents wealth and anything that leaks symbolize means money that is draining.

Inside Out Feng Shui

4. Remove any dead plants in your home and surroundings. Your place should be filled with life energy.

5. Make your door look inviting. Your door is the mouth of Chi. You can even color it.

6. Put pictures of nature like waterfalls, ocean or birds flying. They encourage a good flow of energy.

7. Remove unnecessary things. Things that you don’t use or don’t even need. They may not be clutter, but they still have no use for them.

8. Use an aquarium with nine goldfish to stimulate the energy of wealth.

Five Steps To Creating Wealth Thanks To Feng Shui

When our space is clean and free from clutter, we surround ourselves with good energy. We get to think things clearly. We’re able to come up with the right decisions which affect our life including our finances.

If you want to know more about feng shui and how you can benefit from it, check my website at

Feng Shui Your Way To Success

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden October 1, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

Feng Shui Tips For Your Business 

As a business owner, you have to carry big responsibilities. Before you get to enjoy success, you have to make bold and right decisions.

Good feng shui can’t bring you wealth if you don’t strive for it. However, it gives you the much-needed tools in order to attract wealth.

This ancient philosophy lets you build a good foundation for your business by helping you create a harmonious environment in order to gain more customers that will, in turn, give you more money.

7 Secrets To Powerful Business Feng Shui

These are the feng shui tips to help you succeed in your business.

1. Choose your business location well. The front door or entrance space must allow light to enter the area or your space must be well lit.

2. Always put money first. Make sure that the things that you do are generating you more money. Paper works should be delegated to the people under you. You have to supervise them though.

3. Use water cure. Attract the energy of money by using a water fountain or a little aquarium with goldfish. The North area is associated with business and adding some metal will attract money for your business.

Opportunities Knock On Door With Good Vibes

4. Have a vision board. Put pictures that will remind you of your targets or goals. Don’t forget to put it in a place that is most visible to you.

5. Establish good and open communication. Make yourself available to people under you. Also, make sure that your company is accessible to your customers. Create a hotline number so your company can address your customers problems immediately.

6. Be organized. Make sure that your office is well organized. It helps you think things clearly.

7. Create a filing system. Segregate and label all your files and things. Use a red folder for prospective clients, blue folders for bills, and green folders for clients.

Inside Out Feng Shui

8. Beautify your office space. An organized workspace is good, a beautiful office is even better. It inspires you and it’s a breeding ground for creativity.

Hard work combined with a well-organized office or business space attracts wealth.

To know more about feng shui and how it can help you grow your business, you can check my website at

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