Tap for Clearing Your Clutter

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden July 16, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

As in acupuncture where needles are inserted along meridien lines to unblock energy lines which create areas of disease it’s the same in the home.  There are points within our house or buildings that are the key points of energy.  If they are full to the brim of clutter, debris then the flow within the building becomes a sick building.

Sick building syndrome creates exhaustion, fatigue and weariness for those who work in it for any length of time.  The materials that the house is made of is pertinent to the energy that it creates for that building whether it be wood, brick, cement aluminium and so on.

Tapping is about helping free your own inner energetic blocks especially around a specific area of your life such as Clearing up the Clutter around you.  It can be used to tap on the meridien points to address any issues around the clutter or if you have parted from somebody how to let go of the space they occupied and make it your own.

This is a tapping episode to tap for you to clear out old energetic debris that is blocking you from moving on in your life.  We all have these moments and this is one of the ways you can unclear energy that is blocked within yourself which is then reflected in the outside world.

Subscribe to my youtube channel here: http://bit.ly/2vrog1Z for more tapping videos on a range of subjects on how to change your environments so you are succeeding the way you want to in life.

For your free ebooks on Feng Shui go to: http://www.wealthyspaces.com and find out more about how you can help yourself.

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