Increase Your Productivity With Feng Shui Part 2

Feng Shui Tips To Increase Productivity In The Office

Productivity in the workplace measures the efficiency of a person. The success of a company depends on the productivity of all of its employees.

The following tips below will help you increase your productivity in the workplace:

1. Sufficient lighting in the office is good Feng Shui. A darker office can make you feel tired while a well lighted working space wakes us up and sets your biological clock.

According to a study, natural light improves productivity and performance at work. Make sure that natural sunlight can get inside your office. If it’s not possible, keep your space lighted by putting additional light bulb where it is necessary. Choose the one that suits you.

2. Do not put your desk in front of walkways. It is considered the negative energy’s path. The opening and closing of doors distracts you in your work.

3. Your desk should not be placed near the window. The activities outside the office will call for your attention. It can be so distracting.

4. Avoid using a low hanging furniture and having beams in the office. It gives the feeling of being in a cramped space. It makes you feel uncomfortable.

5. Display photos of your loved ones. It will serve as your inspiration. It reminds you to carry on and never give up. It makes the heavy tasks lighter.

6. Choose the right furniture. A big table is not appropriate for a small office. Your chair should also make you feel comfortable since you will be sitting for long periods of time.

7. Keep your office neat and simple. Less is more. Using too much decorations can be irritating to the eyes. It makes the place look too crowded.

Using Feng Shui in the office can help you focus on what is important. It increases your productivity which in turn brings you closer to your goals.  Apply these techniques today and experience change in your office.

Visit my website at for more information.


6 Reasons Why You Should Do Space Clearing

Space Clearing Your Home In Very Easy Steps

Space clearing is a great way to bring in good energies that will help you create a calm and peaceful environment. When you have that kind of environment, life becomes more bearable. You have peace of mind.

A hand holding things needed for space clearing

It is always best to perform space clearing at least once a year. There are other  ways to purify your space. In some culture, space clearing can be done by smudging, fire, salt, asperging, sweeping and house blessing. It all depends on the culture or religious belief of a certain individual.

If you are not tied to any religious organization, you can do space cleansing by yourself. All you need to do is to have the materials needed and arrange your schedule so that you can perform the ritual properly.

The advantages of space clearing:

1. It frees you from any stuck energy. Most of us don’t know about the energies in our home. People have a hard time moving on and starting a new life because bad energies exists in their space. They get stuck with these energies.

Doing space cleansing most especially after separation or death of a loved one should be done in order to have a clear space.

2. It helps us to be more focused on our tasks. When our house is organized and the space is clear, we get to decide quickly and tasks can be done immediately.

3. You can sleep soundly. Good health and sleep are connected to each other. It’s the only time that our bodies get to recover.

4. It can help you achieve your goals. When you get to do things right away, you can reach your goals faster.

5. You have more time for other things. Most of us complain of our time. Space clearing and organization helps us save time by clearing our minds, making us capable of working faster which in turn helps us save time. When we have extra time on our hands, we can do sports or pursue other passion.

6. You can spend more time with the people you love. Most relationships suffer because we are stuck on unnecessary things. Extra time on our hands means we have more time to nurture our relationships. It means that you’ll have a healthier and happier relationship with everybody around you.

The advantages enumerated above are just a few of the many benefits of space clearing and it’s the start to a better and brighter life.

To learn and discover more about Feng Shui, visit my website at





Space Cleansing Your Place With Five Easy Steps

Bring Good Energy In Your Space With Space Cleansing

Space cleansing should be made in our homes, office and business establishment every year. Its purpose is to get rid of all bad energies that will eventually affect our lives.

Smudging For Space Cleansing

There are a lot of ways to cleanse our space. You can modify some or try to exclude other things. Do whatever makes you comfortable. The most important thing is that you are doing it.

Below are the space cleansing steps that you should do in your space:

1. Plan your space cleansing carefully. You should have sufficient time, have the energy to do it and not rush the activity. The best time to do space cleansing is from 11 am to 1 pm. Make sure also that you are in the mood to do it. When you have the right energy then everything will go smoothly.

2. Prepare the things that you need like several candles, incense, sage or smudge stick, essential oils, crystals for live energy, fresh flowers, good music, bell and a sturdy table.

3. Play a good music to make the place more relax. Open the windows to allow the bad energies to live and the fresh ones to enter.

4. If it’s possible, light a candle in each room and walk around the house with a burned incense stick. This will bring fresh smell into each room.

5. There are a number of  ways to do space cleansing in your home. The popular ones are using essential oils, ringing of bells and smudging. You can use essential oils that you can spray around the house.

The best scents are cedar, sandalwood and  lemongrass. You can also use sage for smudging. You just have to be careful during the activity so as to avoid staining your furniture’s.

Always remember that space cleansing is a way to get rid of bad energies. Do not overdo the activity, but bear in mind that you can always do it more than once in a year.

I hope that you will enjoy your space cleansing activity. Start as soon as possible and bring in the energy of good health, wealth and good relationships into your house.

Discover the wonders of Feng Shui. Visit my website at



Create A Healthy Money Flow With Feng Shui


Money Flow And Feng Shui

Money flow is connected with energy. It can either energize us or it can drain us. The word currency, just like water, is something that we want to flow in our lives.

Stack of gold coins on the right side of a clock that symbolizes good money flow.

In feng shui, our money flow is heavily affected by the things around us. The vibrations around us is affecting our very own vibrations.
Money flows easily when the energy around us is also flowing freely. This also goes the same with our health and relationships.

Below are the following feng shui tips that will let you have a healthy money flow:

1. Take care of the mouth of chi in your home. The entrance of your house plays an important role in feng shui. Opportunities equals to money. Make sure that your door is free from any clutter, the house number can be read and the doorbell is working.

2. Beware of any leak in your home. Water symbolizes money and leaking water means money going out of your pocket. It will really affect your money flow. Fix it immediately before it gets big.

3. Get rid of broken things in your space. If it doesn’t have any value and it is beyond repair and flawed, then it’s time to let it go. Cracked plates and cups should be out of your home.

4. Always close the bathroom door and the toilet lid. They flush your money down the drain.

5. Your cooking station symbolizes abundance. Make sure that everything is in perfect condition.

6. Use feng shui symbols to boost the money flow in your family. Images such as running horses, flowing water or nature are good representations of money flowing freely. It is also better to hang a crystal in your window to keep the energy alive in your home.

7. Spend time to examine yourself. What are your personal beliefs when you’re dealing with your finances? Associating wealth, money and finances with fear and anxiety will never help you. Keep the energy high by relating money with wealth, good health, happiness and abundance.

Always remember that a healthy money flow is only possible when the energy within and around us is moving freely.

To learn more about feng shui, visit my website at





Increase Your Retail Sales With Feng Shui


Feng Shui Tips For Your Retail Sales

The mannequin in a retail store and a discount of seventy percent that will help in the increase of retail sales.

Your retail sales are affected by the kind of feng shui your business have. It brings in the much needed money. Indeed, the best part about having a business is to see an increase in its sales.

But the reality right now is that the lifespan of businesses is getting shorter. Businesses are closing down because of poor sales. Money became scarce.

It’s one of the main reasons why applying good feng shui in your business is important. Feng shui should be applied to your business if you wish to see an increase in your sales. Good feng shui in your business is a good tool that will help you in the growth of your business.

The following tips below will help you increase your retail sales:

1. Control, control, control. Don’t overstock your store. Sometimes, we feel too overwhelmed with our business and we try to display everything that we have. A crowded store will only stress customers. Try to put just a little of each item and spread the most beautiful items all over your place.

2. Feed your customer’s curiosity. Keep your inventory always updated. Shoppers will always spend time on new and interesting things. Update not only your physical store, but also your online shop  as well.

3. Train your workers to be nice and friendly. When your employees willingly attends to the needs of the customers, it creates a good relationship which results in loyalty.

4. Make them feel special. Show your customers that you’re thankful. Give them a small thank you cards after every purchase. You can also do the extra mile by sending them a text message on their special day.

5. The secret to an increase in sales is good retailing. Get the attention of your customers. Put unique products and special offerings  in the lucky corners of your store. The lucky corners are located opposite and diagonal to the door.

How your store appears in the eyes of your customer is important if you wish your business to earn more money. Be mindful of how it looks like.

If you wish to learn more about feng shui, visit my website at

The Power Of Feng Shui And Your Workplace

Feng Shui is certainly required when designing your workplace and not just at home.

The colorful workplace of Google.Some things never change but ONE thing that is CHANGING – is the space we are all starting to work in.

People right across the world running their own small businesses no longer want to work at home isolated, no banter and no presence of other people.  What has started to be created are common spaces for entrepreneurs of all age groups, diversities and backgrounds.

People are getting out of the prisons offered to them in the corporate and service world and creating their own living dynamic spaces with like minded people.

What do we call that?  WE call it Feng Shui Change!  The winds of change are always blowing some more stronger than others at times.  This shift into a hub workplace has the freedom to create a space where people really want to be with who they want to be with and work on what they choose to do.

Having recently visited some of these workplaces, some are basic with a lick of corporate colour but it does not have to be like that.

Even Google has created a most fascinating workplace for their innovators:


So, why not you?

You now have the freedom to create one of these yourself and in London people are opening up their own spaces to offer that service.

Where to begin?


A green and yellow colored workplace.

Well when people are working in technology it is predominantly the Metal Element at play.  That is why all these organisations have white, magnolia, grey walls – its an authoritarian tone.

However, when you are working from the mind – Metal – it is good to be reminded of all the elements as no one element reigns; you have to have earth to support the metal; you require water to support the wood.

Here are some tips to get you started on Creating a Feng Shui Hot Spot in your Workplace.

  1. Have plants around that bring in the Wood Element; not cacti but leaves that are moving upwards.
  2. Use ceramic pots around the space-one should have nothing in them to create an energy of space inside to receive great things.
  3. Use colours of blue and green as water feeds the wood these could be in bottles, tapestries, art work.
  4. Ensure Art Work denotes a good feel factor- people communicating, cooperating, goals for business, luxury living, the connection with others through nature of people in pictures.
  5. Ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of the place-no clutter-flow is obvious and that each working space enables people to have their back to the wall.
  6. The power point of any room is diagonally opposite the main door in that room-use the space wisely.
  7. Ensure people have a clearly defined space for themselves but there is a communal place to share for talk, eats and debate.
  8. All windows to be cleaned, sufficient head space psychologically for people to elevate and very important is the aspect of aroma.
  9. It is a sensitive area Aroma but if you can make it subtle with usually aromas of fruits or brain busters like basil and rosemary it would be an advantage.
  10. Anything that smells which is distasteful will ruin the experience and because peoples emotions and memories are tied up with smell it is important to get this right.
  11.  Ensure lighting is generous but not glaring. It should evenly spread in all over your workplace.

Look Out for my Video Series showing you which blend of oils are good in Feng Shui in various rooms of your home and why they are essential to your business workspace: Catch the series on or small introduction video series on Instagram: fengshui4you

Further details on this video series go to: and for generalised information to

Apply Good Feng Shui To Your Business Right Now To Attract Customers

Attract Customers With These Feng Shui Tips For Your Business 

A woman in front of a business establishment

Applying good feng shui in your business right now is the best way to attract customers. When you get to use the right things in your business, you get to attract more customers. The increase in customers means an increase in sales.

Studies have shown that people go shopping because they feel good about it. They may be suffering deep inside and going to a store and makes them feel at ease and happy.

However, with a lot of shops opening everywhere these days, competition is getting tougher. You must create the right environment in your business that will make your customer stay.

Here are the feng shui tips for your business for you to be able to attract potential customers:

1. Space cleansing is a must in every space. It shakes up and get rid of any stuck energy in our space. This all in one space cleansing kit is the best tool to get rid of any bad energies in your space.

2. Check the business name. Is it easy to remember? Does it sound interesting? A complicated business name is considered bad feng shui. Make sure that the name catches the attention of the customers.

3. Spend time scrutinizing the entrance of your store. Make sure that the windows and the doors are clean. The signage should be clean and well lit.

4. Does your store give the customers a warm feeling? If you are the customer, do you want to stay longer inside the store? A crowded or cluttered store will bring uneasiness to your shopper. Good chi makes your prospective customer stay longer.

5. Create a friendly environment for your customer. Train your staff to be well-mannered and friendly. You can also play nice music for a more relaxing atmosphere.

6. Lights bring good chi to your business. Make sure that the place is well-lighted. A dark place can have bad energy.

7. Business means money and a good business brings in money. Just like in an office, your cash register should be in a commanding position. This only means that it should be put in a place where you could see the entrance but not necessarily aligned with the door. A strong solid backing is also advised.

8. Pay attention to the air quality of your store. Does it smell good and fresh? Put fresh flowers or live plants in your space. You can also use aromatherapy for a better air quality on your store.

9. Play with colours. Orange is a happy colour, yellow and red grabs the customer’s attention, blue and green have a more calming effect and warm colours such as brown and orange are often inviting.

These tips are the things that you should do in your establishment. They are basic tips but they play an important role in attracting customers to your business.

To know more about the power of feng shui and how you can use it in your career, business, or your life, visit my website at

Feng Shui & Electromagnetic Stress

Increasingly, not only are we living with more STUFF and crowding ourselves with acquisitions but we are experiencing the power of increasing electricity around us .   People wonder why they can not sleep because they have the TV, computer, iphones in their bedrooms; they are now surrounded by them 24/7
This lifestyle does not allow us to switch off – the exact space you are suppose to be ‘re-charging’ your batteries – that is the bedroom –  is pulling on the immune system.
Geopathic stress – this is the underground aspects that people are stressed by and some don’t know what surrounds the inhabitants.  Underground water, is often a factor to consider when trying to locate an issue around health. Some of the anomalies we cannot do anything about – pylons over towering our building for example.

I have visited over 1000 clients in the community with diseases ranging from cancer to motor neurone disease to dementia.  According to Dr. H Nieper MD  he states that “92% of my cancer patients and 75% of my MS patients are Geopathically stressed”.
It is believed that such stress within the land can actually cause disease and ill-health. As I work in the medical field I have noticed how certain areas are inundated by particular forms of disease-it questions the environmental factor i.e high levels of electro-magnetic energy.

Some estates have been built on old chemical works where the methane gas continues to exude its toxins into the atmospheres. This then has the effect of people living in polluted environments without them ever knowing.
We see the results of those living around nuclear power stations; Sellafield in Cumbria, UK. We see the results of fracking on local communities right across the states and the subsequent effects on toxins to health.  

But what about the more invisible lines of poisoning where there is no obvious identification because over many years the information has been suppressed or not sufficient awareness. Whole Housing Estates in the U.K. built on old land fill sites or old chemical works – methane gases being exuded through the ground ultimately affecting the health of the residents.
Want to know more?  go to where you will be greeted by myself to talk about how your home is affecting the quality of your life.

Clearing Your Clutter

Is this something you are struggling with?  Maybe this could help?

How many of us struggle to get a focus on life and become diverted usually by something or someone else in the environment or space we work and live?  Do you have lack of cashflow or find that whatever income comes into the household it goes out as equally fast?

Well look at your surroundings now; too much of one thing; paper everywhere? goods from a long time ago that no longer is used, needed but cant let go?

If this is the case, or perhaps your is stored in a storage warehouse costing you lots of additional money then you might want to address those issues with the ebook above;

Get Your House in Order Now! is a new ebook I have written based on being in a 1000 homes and seriously will assist you with your struggle; just sign up on the right box and you will receive your own version of my ebook to get you started today.

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