Feng Shui Projects That You Can Do In Your Home Right Away


Easy Feng Shui Projects For You Today

Doing some Feng Shui projects is a great way to spend your time this weekend. A little shift here and there can surely change the vibration in your house.

Here are some Feng Shui projects that you can do in your home:

1. Spruce up your entrance. This Feng Shui project should be the first on your list since your entrance is the first thing that people see. We are so consumed with beautifying the inside of our house that we forget that the outside also needs our attention. Put some live plants and get rid of anything that clutters the area.

2. Another easy Feng Shui project is by feeding your plants. Live and lush plants bring vibrancy to your place. They are considered as good Feng Shui while sickly plants bring bad energy. Take away the dry leaves and water your plants. Make sure that you give them sunshine once in a while.

3. Clear your clutter. Clutter is a stuck energy and it brings bad Feng Shui. Get rid of things that you don’t need and you have not used for a long time. Cracked pottery, broken clocks and watches and old magazines are some of the things that clutter our place.

4. Inspect your taps. Replace any leaking taps and make sure that there is no stagnant water in your home. This Feng Shui project is really important. In Feng Shui, water symbolizes wealth. Leaking taps mean water going down the drain.

5. Clean your kitchen space. Your kitchen is your health and wealth area. Open the windows and clean it. Make it look inviting so that members of your household will want to stay there longer. Good memories and good food are a perfect combination.

6. Check your art decorations. Do they represent positivity? Images of nature or happy pictures convey a sense of peace and serenity. This Feng Shui project will make you and your guests feel good.

Always remember that Feng Shui is about creating an environment inside and out that will make you feel calm, happy and at peace. Feng Shui projects for your house doesn’t need to be expensive.

Discover more of Feng Shui. Learn how to create a better environment by visiting my website at www.wealthyspaces.com or visit my YouTube channel Cathi Hargaden to watch my webinars and videos.




Buying A House? – Feng Shui Mastery Show

Buying A House And Feng Shui

Are you buying a house or have you always dreamed of buying a house?

Whilst Feng Shui is a philosophical practice that stems back 4000 years old, the issues for people have not really changed. Food, shelter, and safety remain the most important things in a human being’s life.

Maslow’s pyramid of basic needs of the human start with these very first three things; home, food and protection. Buying a house have always been the top priority.

So, why is it in the 21st Century, people in the developed world still have not the basics to address their needs like buying a house or when it comes to a safe place to live? Given that they are the richest and most developed in every way? People just keep on dreaming of buying a house.

All the major metropolises across the world have forced and rushed people from all backgrounds into smaller spaces where people are eking out a threadbare existence just to have a roof over their head.

It is not just the poor but the wealthy who have sacrificed their lives to get where they want to go and live in a reasonable apartment but every inch of their life in terms of time has been spent working then they look around and they see there is no one to relate to. They have no community ties and one of the biggest killers socially is the painful social isolation and lack of connection with people.

Having worked myself in mental health in all major cities in the U.K., I have visited people in high rise flats even though they have been medicated for schizophrenia, suicide, and depression and they are placed by the Housing Department in totally inappropriate places to live.

Their surroundings are threatening, uncreative and hampered by unsociable behaviour. But the nature of this kind of gerrymandering is deliberate; to coerce people into smaller spaces and whilst they are busy squabbling with each other the bigger picture of their rights, power, and success go unnoticed.

Everything comes back to the energy whether it be of spaces, designs, aromas, buildings, and arrangements in our environments. How is your environment? Could you make improvements to your space in small ways that change your energy for the better.

Discover how Feng Shui can help you get the things that you want. Visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com or go to my YouTube channel Cathi Hargaden to watch my videos about creating and attracting wealth.


Feng Shui And The Important Things That You Need To Know


The Real Meaning Of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is getting popular in the West for almost 15 years now. From ordinary citizens to famous people like Hollywood celebrities to business tycoons.


They have been applying this belief in their personal spaces, businesses as well as their personal lives. However, because of the lifestyle that most people have, the real concept of what Feng Shui is, was somehow lost.

Because of the lack of knowledge of this ancient practice, Feng Shui has slowly turned into a quick fix approach.

7 important things that you need to know about Feng Shui:

1. It is an ancient belief that’s been practiced for thousands of years. Feng Shui is not a superstition nor a religion. Feng Shui is based on the yin and yang. It is based on the Five Elements. It deals with creating balance in your life.

It teaches us that everything in the universe influences us.

2. It is not based on interior designing or owning the most expensive pieces of furniture. It is about surrounding yourself with the right things that can make your life better. The energy in your home which is invisible can affect you and the people living with you.

3. Feng Shui is about understanding how the energy behaves. It tells you what part of your life to focus on. Feng Shui helps you locate the placement of the key rooms in order to give you support in the different areas of your life.

4. Each of us is different. In Feng Shui, every person responds differently to the energy in their environment. The birthdate and other personal information can be used to analyze the relationships among the members of the household and resolve the challenges at home.

5. Feng Shui teaches us that the inner and outer forces in our lives are connected to each other. That is why choosing the location for our home is important because it will affect our lives.

6. The quality of the energy in our home is not permanent. That is why taking some time to take a look and make the necessary arrangement of our space to maintain the good chi is important.

7. Time plays a vital role in Feng Shui. A Feng Shui expert studies your space by using a Feng Shui  calendar and compass to assess the flow of energy in your house.

Discover how you can use Feng Shui to improve your environment and live a good life. Go to www.wealthyspaces.com  for more information.








Feng Shui And The Clutter In Your Space – Feng Shui Mastery Show

Understanding Clutter And Getting Rid Of It

Are you surrounded by clutter? Is it affecting you inside and out? Do you ask yourself “why does our house look this way?

Clutter is like an addiction. You wanted to end it but you don’t know how. You want to get rid of it but it just keeps on coming back.

Clutter is an emotional thing. Most people start to accumulate things when they are sad, feel sick or go through some difficult time.

It gets to us when we are too busy to notice it. When we are too happy or we want to feel good. Everything boils down to having low self-esteem.

Poor self esteem has many symptoms. The clutter in the mind results in physical clutter. Most of it is caused by poor thinking, pressure or doubt in oneself. We feel inferior and unworthy. When you have these in your mind, you pour your energy into acquiring material things.

Below are the reasons why most people are living with clutter:

1. The world has been teaching us that our worth is based on how much our possession is. The more we acquire, the higher our worth become.

2. When we are at our lowest moment, we feel incapable. We don’t have a sense of worth. We feel unloved and that’s where hoarding comes in. The material things replace the emptiness in our hearts.

Social media, billboards and television advertisements instill in our minds that spending and shopping can fill the gap in our lives.

We get so used to what we have and the life that we live that the word change makes us feel uneasy. The world of the unknown can make us feel uncomfortable.

The reasons above are what stops us from living the life we deserve.

Feng Shui is an ancient Philosophy that can help you deal with clutter. It helps you deal not only on the outside but more importantly on the inside.

For more information about Feng Shui and the energies in your space, visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com or my YouTube channel, Cathi Hargaden for my videos and webinars.







The Room Size And Energy In Your Home And Feng Shui


The Energy In Your Room And Feng Shui

Are you living in a cramped room? Repeated mantras that there is “no more space” to develop other communities in the world especially in relation to the U.K. with a population approaching 70 million. Increasingly, more and more people are being shunted into smaller rooms. That could be because people are having smaller families. But that is not true for everyone.

The multicultural landscape hosts a variety of different kinds of families whether it is extended or beyond the nuclear into extended demand for homes.

It wasn’t until I started working all over the U.K that I realised there was plenty of space, but it was in the hands of the few. Out in the countryside, there are reams of land where most people in the inner city have never been.

In fact both in personal and professional experiences I had realised that there are zones throughout the U.K. where people dare not go beyond their zone. They stay within their own cultural-geographical area and if they dare to enter other environments, there is a behavior that resists something that is different, resistant to the norm or just threatening – not because it is violent but because it threatens the values and mores of people from the outside.

Amidst some of the major conurbations of the world, we see people forced in like cattle into tiny rooms of living whilst on the outside of the city, huge tracts of land for a very small population. People living in the countryside have better and bigger rooms.

Below we see homes in Hong Kong. People living one room the size of some people’s bathrooms.


The same situation in the U.K. – same situation in the major metropolises across the world. The people who own the land vast drafts of it have lots of space.

Feng Shui was a secretive form of controlling the landscape ultimately for power, success and wealth. Whether people are aware of it or not, land, property, common spaces are used to gerrymander all populations into thinking and acting a certain way.

Feng Shui is about capturing the energies in and around you to support you and capitalise on the best of where you live. Your room space can be your tool in your journey to success. The more control you take of the little space you have control over, the better for your own wellbeing.

Learn how to be in control of your own home. Bring the good chi in your room space.

If you are looking for ways to harness that power for yourself and your family, take a look at www.wealthyspaces.com


Create A Good Feng Shui Office In 4 Easy Steps

4 Tips For A Good Feng Shui Office

Do you know that having a good Feng Shui office is essential for a successful career? Feng Shui is an ancient practice that teaches us how to create harmony and balance by using the energies in our space.

The placement of things in our workplace can either distract us or help us reach our goals. A good Feng Shui office brings clarity, lessens stress and create good relationships in the workplace. It enhances our creativity, productivity and focus. It also allows us to get rid of all the negative energies.

Using the five elements when designing your workspace enables us to have a good Feng Shui office. A good example would be using a metallic door, indoor plants, a nice aquarium with Feng Shui fishes on it and wooden objects.

Design a good Feng Shui office with the simple tips below:

1 Remove all the unnecessary things away from the office. Files should be segregated and organized. Broken or non functioning things such as calculators and clocks should be either fixed or thrown away.

Part of decluttering is to remove the dust on the shelves and the floor and throw away the garbage every after office hours. Clutter badly affects us in and out while being in an organized space calms and relaxes us.

2. Be careful with the position of your table and your things. Inspiring pictures, paintings and objects that motivates you to do better. It gives you a light and happy feeling. Display photos of the people you love and objects that will make you remember your goals.

Remember that your desk should not be in line with the door. Put it in a location where you can see who enters the office. Don’t put the table too close to the window as this will distract you from doing your work.

3. Don’t forget to bring live energy by adding indoor plants in your workspace. The fresh air that they give is good for our health. Aside from giving us good health, some plants are considered to bring good luck. Such is the case of the bamboo.

4. Paint your office with relaxing colors such as yellow, beige and other light colors. If you want to use some black, make sure that it’s minimal.

Learn how you can use Feng Shui in your journey towards success. Visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com for more information.

4 Easy Steps To Prepare Your Home For Easter

Celebrate Easter With These Feng Shui Steps

Easter is a celebration for most people. For some people, it is the time for picnics, family gathering and Easter egg hunt. But for some people, it is a time for spiritual reflection.


Just like Feng Shui, Easter is a time for rebirth and renewal. The symbols used means a time for new beginnings. Use it correctly and it will help you live a life with happiness and abundance.

Here are 4 easy steps that you should do to have a more memorable Easter celebration:

1. Use pastel colors during the celebration. If Christmas is known for the red color, then Easter is better known for pastel hues. Use pastel colored decorations to make the mood in your home more festive. Pastel colors are also known to be more calming.

2. Host an Easter egg hunt game for the little kids. This kind of activity engages the minds of the little ones and brings the family members closer to each other. Unleash your creative side by painting the eggs with nice and fun colors. Always remember, a happy place is a space filled with good vibrations.

3. Bring nature into your home with the help of white lilies. This beautiful flower represent calm, divine energy, virtue and most of all, purity. For a peaceful home, put it in the Northwest area of your  space and in the Northeast area if you want spiritual growth.

4. Rabbits bring joy to everybody. People find Easter bunnies cute and calming. In the eastern world, they are known to represent fertility, immortality, wealth, happiness and love.

Celebrating Easter need not be expensive. The most important thing is that everybody is happy.   The Easter tips mentioned above will surely bring good memories to each and everyone present in the celebration.

Discover how Feng Shui can help you create memories and a better home for you and your family not only during Easter but every day. Visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com for more information.






Increase Your Productivity With Feng Shui Part 2


Feng Shui Tips To Increase Productivity In The Office

Productivity in the workplace measures the efficiency of a person. The success of a company depends on the productivity of all of its employees.

The following tips below will help you increase your productivity in the workplace:

1. Sufficient lighting in the office is good Feng Shui. A darker office can make you feel tired while a well lighted working space wakes us up and sets your biological clock.

According to a study, natural light improves productivity and performance at work. Make sure that natural sunlight can get inside your office. If it’s not possible, keep your space lighted by putting additional light bulb where it is necessary. Choose the one that suits you.

2. Do not put your desk in front of walkways. It is considered the negative energy’s path. The opening and closing of doors distracts you in your work.

3. Your desk should not be placed near the window. The activities outside the office will call for your attention. It can be so distracting.

4. Avoid using a low hanging furniture and having beams in the office. It gives the feeling of being in a cramped space. It makes you feel uncomfortable.

5. Display photos of your loved ones. It will serve as your inspiration. It reminds you to carry on and never give up. It makes the heavy tasks lighter.

6. Choose the right furniture. A big table is not appropriate for a small office. Your chair should also make you feel comfortable since you will be sitting for long periods of time.

7. Keep your office neat and simple. Less is more. Using too much decorations can be irritating to the eyes. It makes the place look too crowded.

Using Feng Shui in the office can help you focus on what is important. It increases your productivity which in turn brings you closer to your goals.  Apply these techniques today and experience change in your office.

Visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com for more information.


3 Basic Guides On Becoming A Successful Woman


Your Simple Guide On Becoming A Successful Woman

A successful woman is not exempted from any difficulties. She is not free and was not spared from the negative energies around her. However, she was able to overcome everything and eventually learned how to stand on her own.

A successful woman sitting near the window.

We may not know this but Feng Shui is a great tool that you can use if you want to be a successful woman. It gives you support so that you can reach the top. It helps you gain that balance that will help you succeed in life.

Listed below are 3 Feng Shui guides that will help you become a successful woman:

1. Know your purpose and be firm with your decisions. Learning how to close deals is vital both in your work and in growing your relationship. Being able to lay everything will help you get the things that you want.

2. Learn how to know what kind of person you are talking to, the moment you first talk to them. Most people show their true intention on the first meeting. Being able to master this thing will help you save time and effort.

Listen to your inner self. Our inner self tells us if there is something wrong with a person. But oftentimes, we take it for granted. A successful woman knows how to detect danger and avoids it right away.

3. Master the power of connecting yourself to the other person. We can be connected to the people around us in a lot of ways. Study how a person dress, talk, smell or even act and use it to establish a good connection.

Use the three simple guides in your home, life and work or business and you are on your way to becoming a successful woman.

Discover Feng Shui today and use it to succeed. Visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com.






6 Reasons Why You Should Do Space Clearing

Space Clearing Your Home In Very Easy Steps

Space clearing is a great way to bring in good energies that will help you create a calm and peaceful environment. When you have that kind of environment, life becomes more bearable. You have peace of mind.

A hand holding things needed for space clearing

It is always best to perform space clearing at least once a year. There are other  ways to purify your space. In some culture, space clearing can be done by smudging, fire, salt, asperging, sweeping and house blessing. It all depends on the culture or religious belief of a certain individual.

If you are not tied to any religious organization, you can do space cleansing by yourself. All you need to do is to have the materials needed and arrange your schedule so that you can perform the ritual properly.

The advantages of space clearing:

1. It frees you from any stuck energy. Most of us don’t know about the energies in our home. People have a hard time moving on and starting a new life because bad energies exists in their space. They get stuck with these energies.

Doing space cleansing most especially after separation or death of a loved one should be done in order to have a clear space.

2. It helps us to be more focused on our tasks. When our house is organized and the space is clear, we get to decide quickly and tasks can be done immediately.

3. You can sleep soundly. Good health and sleep are connected to each other. It’s the only time that our bodies get to recover.

4. It can help you achieve your goals. When you get to do things right away, you can reach your goals faster.

5. You have more time for other things. Most of us complain of our time. Space clearing and organization helps us save time by clearing our minds, making us capable of working faster which in turn helps us save time. When we have extra time on our hands, we can do sports or pursue other passion.

6. You can spend more time with the people you love. Most relationships suffer because we are stuck on unnecessary things. Extra time on our hands means we have more time to nurture our relationships. It means that you’ll have a healthier and happier relationship with everybody around you.

The advantages enumerated above are just a few of the many benefits of space clearing and it’s the start to a better and brighter life.

To learn and discover more about Feng Shui, visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com.





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